Portal+ Packaging

Portal+ Report Packaging allows to Advisor to create custom report packages (templates) that can be used across a group of relationships at one time. Packages can be built containing groups, consolidated groups, individuals accounts, that are embedded in the package structure. This allows the Advisor to meet their customers unique needs easily.

Use Cases:

  • Advisor wants to create report packages for all of their customers quickly.
    • Advisor creates a packaging template that consists of a number of reports consolidated and unconsolidated and saves it. The packaging template is now available to be run against any group, household, or individual account whenever the Advisor wants. The resulting PDF output is then delivered to the customer/manager through the document vault or other means.
  • Advisor has different report packages for different customer profiles.
    • Advisors having very distinctive customer bases requires them to provide a variety of different packages. Portal+ allows them to save off packages for each customer type. This in turn creates a management dilemma that Portal+ has taken care of with groups. Add the account to the RIA or the Institutional group and it will get picked up when Packager is run against that group using the packager templates.


  • Package Template Mode – which allows the storage, copying, editing of saved packages
  • 50+ mnemonics date features – (ex. QTD, MTD, YTD …) allows generic storage of templates for reusability.
  • Template table for easy launch and ad hoc usage.
  • Ability to create and use packages on a Portfolio, Group, Household, or combination of consolidated/unconsolidated entities.
  • True group functionality